
Generate, Send and Edit documents from deal, contact or company record in HubSpot using template and uploading files.

Our app automates the e-sign process between HubSpot and the Signature Platform(Pandadoc Ex..) in an easy and useful way. Supports custom fields and custom objects from HubSpot.

Easy eSign which connect HubSpot and Signature Platform to easily send documents, now documents will be created based on information from HubSpot objects.

Getting Started

Let's start with the basics. Once you've successfully installed Easy eSign from HubSpot Marketplace, you'll reach a confirmation screen, and after a few seconds you'll be redirected to the Easy eSign app. There you login (if no account created in Easy eSign then register ).

If the account is successfully created. So you can confirm this by going to Settings > HubSpot Accounts. It will be something like this:

If you see the Account as you are seeing it above, congratulations, the app has successfully installed.


  • Easy eSign Account.
  • Purchase Any Plan.
  • One HubSpot Account.
  • Any Signature Platform Account like (Pandadoc or DocuSign).


  • Integration with Pandadoc.
  • Integration with DocuSign.
  • Integration with HelloSign.
  • Supports custom properties Of objects from HubSpot.
  • Supports custom Objects from HubSpot.
  • Create Documents by Template and File.
  • Using Easy UI and stepwise process.


  • Step-1 :- Go to Easy eSign and Register (login if account already created). signup
  • Step-2 :- After signing up, you will be redirected to the dashboard page and the page will show like this if it is your first time. signup
  • Step-3 :- Please click install button for HubSpot installations Process.


  • Step-1 :- After the installations process success then Select HubSpot Account From Accounts List And Next.
  • Step-2 :- Please Select Platform Integration App like ( Pandadoc, HelloSign etc ) And Next.
  • Step-3 :- Please fill all fields and submit.

    1. If Platform Pandadoc then Fill below fields.All Fields Required

    2. If Platform HelloSign then Fill below field.All Fields Required

    3. If Platform DocuSign then Fill below field.All Fields Required

  • Step-3 :- Please fill all fields and submit. If successfully integrated, you can send documents using a Easy eSign account in HubSpot.


  • Recently sended document showing in DashBoard.
  • If you want to see all the documents when you click on the button showing all documents.


HubSpot’s CRM platform has all the tools you need for marketing, sales, content management, operations, and customer service. Each product in the platform is powerful alone, but the real magic happens when you use them together.

How to Install Easy eSign

  • Method-1 :- Go to HubSpot Marketplace And Find Easy eSign App,Click install button ,then you'll reach a confirmation screen, and after a few seconds you'll be redirected to the Easy eSign app. There you login (if no account created in Easy eSign then register ).
  • Method-2 :- Go to Easy eSign and login (register if no account created in Easy eSign), click on button Then You will reach HubSpot login page, login and then select specific accounts from all your accounts will show Allow Permission of access After giving allow permission you will be redirected to Easy eSign application in Account Configuration Page.

Create Documents

  • Go to HubSpot Account And Open Any ( contact,deal ext..) record.
  • Click on Button

Use of Properties

  • Go to HubSpot Account And Open Any ( contact,deal ext..) record.
  • Click on Button
  • Find your properties by object and click the copy button and use, If signature platform is pandadoc click here and if using hellosign click here


List of Features

  • List of templates.
  • Automatic will set the all tokens value from the HubSpot object properties.
  • Supports custom properties Of objects from HubSpot.
  • Supports custom Objects from HubSpot.
  • Create documents by template and file.
  • Send, Cancel and delete documents.
  • If create documents by deal then create link between deal and document.
  • Live document status update

Pandadoc Integration

  • Go to Settings > HubSpot Accounts.
  • Click Edit Button.
  • Select Pandadoc in Signature Platforms and Next.
  • Please add Pandadoc ApiKey and submit.

How to get Pandadoc ApiKey

Go to Pandadoc > Setting > Integration > Api (Please Visit Url here)

Get Pandadoc API Key

  • Create Pandadoc account and Go to Pandadoc Setting > Integration > API in your Pandadoc Account.
  • Click on API. In API pop-up, here you can create your API key(Sandbox/Production) for Pandadoc.

How to get Pandadoc ApiKey

Go to Pandadoc > Setting > Integration > Api (Please Visit Url here)

Use of Pandadoc Tokens

Please check image

If you more details for token then watch this video Click here

How to Create Templates

  • Please create first signer for contacts like (contact1,contact2 ext..)
  • if you create token for signer then use role_name.property_name like (contact1.firstname , user1.firstname)
  • if you create token for HubSpot object (without contact) then use object_name.property_name (deal.dealname, ext..)
  • Please check always created token has been token like this image
  • If you more details for token then watch this video Click here

Important Notes

  • Role create must in lowercase.
  • Please Role create only for signer and cc.
  • Please token name must in lowercase.
  • Please use of token name from our HubSpot Properties.


List of Features

  • List of templates.
  • Automatic will set the all custom fields value from the HubSpot object properties.
  • Supports custom properties Of objects from HubSpot.
  • Supports custom Objects from HubSpot.
  • Create documents by template and file.
  • Send, Cancel and delete documents.
  • Live document status update

HelloSign Integration

  • Go to Settings > HubSpot Accounts.
  • Click Edit Button.
  • Select HelloSign in Signature Platforms and Next.
  • Please add HelloSign Api-Key, Client Id, Client Secret, State and submit.

How to get HelloSign Credential

Go to HelloSign > Integration > Api (Please Visit Url here)

Get Hellosign API Key

  • Create Hellosign account and Go to Hellosign Settings > API
  • In API setting page > Click on "Create App" button in API apps section
  • In Create App page > Fill required information & Create App
  • Generate API Key & Get API Key
  • Get Client ID & Client Secret

How to get HelloSign Credential

Go to HelloSign > Integration > Api (Please Visit Url here)

Use of Custom Fields

Please check image

If you more details for Custom Fields then watch this video Click here

How to Create Template

  • Please create first signer for contacts
  • The length of the custom field property should be proper for the content of the property.
  • Custom fields create by Sender Signer Text fields
  • if you create Custom fields for signer then use role_name.property_name like (contact1.firstname , user1.firstname)
  • if you create Custom fields for HubSpot object (without contact) then use object_name.property_name (deal.dealname, ext..)
  • Please check always created custom fields has been custom fields like this image

Important Notes

  • Role create must in lowercase.
  • Please Role create only for signer and cc.
  • Please custom fields name must in lowercase.
  • Please use of custom fields name from our HubSpot Properties.


List of Features

  • List of templates.
  • Automatic will set the all PreFill Text fields value from the HubSpot object properties.
  • Supports custom properties Of objects from HubSpot.
  • Supports custom Objects from HubSpot.
  • Create documents by template and file.
  • Send, Cancel and delete documents.
  • Live document status update

DocuSign Integration

  • Go to Settings > HubSpot Accounts.
  • Click Edit Button.
  • Select DocuSign in Signature Platforms and Next.
  • Please add Docusign Client Id (App Integration Key), Client Secret (App Secret Key), Account Id (API Account ID) from created app and submit.

How to get Docusign Credential

Go to Docusign > Setting > Apps and Keys (Please Visit Url here)

Get DocuSign API Key

  • Create Docusign Account and Go to Docusign Settings > Apps and Keys.
  • Click on "Add App and Integration Key" button.
  • Enter App Name, Add Secret Keys, Add Redirect URI, Check all Allowed HTTP method checkbox.
    Copy Integration Key & Secret Keys.
  • Copy Integration Key and set in DocuSign Client ID
    Copy Secret Keys and set in DocuSign Client Secret
    Copy API Account ID and set in DocuSign Account ID
    Copy Account Base URI and set in DocuSign Base URL
    Set DocuSign Host URL as per your API Account. [DEVELOPMENT] [PRODUCTION]

How to get Docusign Credential

Go to Docusign > Setting > Apps and Keys (Please Visit Url here)

Use of PreFill Text Fields

Please check image

If you more details for PreFill Text Fields then watch this video Click here

How to Create Template

  • Please create first signer for contacts
  • if you create PreFill Text fields for signer then use role_name.property_name like (contact1.firstname , user1.firstname)
  • if you create PreFill Text fields for HubSpot object (without contact) then use object_name.property_name (deal.dealname, ext..)
  • Please check always created PreFill Text fields has been PreFill Text fields like this image

Important Notes

  • Role create must in lowercase.
  • Please Role create only for signer and cc.
  • Please PreFill Text fields name must in lowercase.
  • Please use of PreFill Text name from our HubSpot Properties.